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Arts Council of Princeton Workshop on “What Makes You Special?”

Healing art instructor and artist Jane Zamost will lead a workshop entitled “What Makes You Special?” on Thursday, November 9 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Arts Council of Princeton. The cost to attend is $50 per person. Attendees will be provided with a mat board to work on, glue, paint brushes, crayons, pastels, and colored pencils.

It’s suggested that guests bring their own scrap fabric, ribbons, sewing materials, beads, cotton balls, stickers, old or recent photos, scrap paper, newspaper, and magazines. Leaves, sticks, flowers, pebbles, and stones also may be of use.

In this tutorial, Zamost will emphasize why creative play is important for adults. As children, we are typically given the freedom to experiment with the way we draw, paint, or write without consequence. As adults, inhibition can repress our desire to create because we think we may make a “mistake.” By delving into their own psyches, Zamost will urge each participant to examine and express what makes them distinctive. This is not only the way a person looks, but it could also be the way a person sees themselves that is less literal.

Register online at

The Arts Council of Princeton is located at 102 Witherspoon Street.