Arts Ed NJ Receives Multi-Year Grant to Support Arts Education Mission
Arts Ed NJ has been approved for a $500,000 multi-year grant from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation. The grant was awarded to support its mission as a unifying organization and central resource for arts education information, policy, and advocacy in New Jersey.
“We are so proud to have continued support from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation,” said Arts Ed NJ Executive Director Wendy Liscow. “This grant is a testimony to years of hard work from all our partners across New Jersey who have fought to make New Jersey a leader in arts education.”
Arts Ed NJ is one of four multi-year grants supporting long-standing, statewide arts education programs and projects.
“We are particularly proud of the robust arts education ecosystem that has grown and developed over the past 10-plus years across the state, and the role that the Dodge Foundation has played in collaborating with and supporting that ecosystem,” said Tanuja Dehne, president and CEO of the Dodge Foundation. “These organizations have had a tremendous impact in strengthening arts programming across the state — creating models of impact that are regarded and often replicated nationwide.”
Launched in 2007, Arts Ed NJ believes that the arts are an essential part of every child’s education and must be a part of the solution to the many challenges facing general education within the state. To learn more, visit