Bone Broth Might Be Just What the Doctor Ordered

By Taylor Smith
Want to heal your gut, boost immunity, and improve the quality and texture of your hair, nails, and skin? Then bone broth might be the answer to your winter weather woes. Thanks to the Paleo diet and other gluten-free, low-carb trends, bone broth has earned a spot on many functional nutritionists’ lists. So, what exactly is bone broth and why is it so healing? The answer lies in the wealth of gelatin, which breaks down into collagen in the body. Collagen has many nourishing properties, not least of which is more youthful looking skin. This is particularly helpful during the cold and drying winter months when skin, hair, and nails are most in need of moisture.
Companies like Brodo have elevated your Grandmother’s recipe to include other anti-inflammatory and sophisticated additions such as garlic puree, tumeric, mushrooms, seaweed, ghee, kimchi, sweet potato puree, chili oil, vitamin C, roasted beets, pink himalayan salt, and coarsely ground pepper. All of these ingredients have alleged immune boosting properties that primarily act on the gut. If you wanted to add something more to your diet that can help with keeping your gut in check, you may want to look into some Gundry MD reviews and see if they can help you with your health alongside the broth.

Some wellness practitioners claim that the quality of the skin on your face and the hair on your head is in fact a direct reflection of your gut health. Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome may improve digestion, mood, sleep, weight, joint health, and energy levels. Alternatively, bone broth can be ingested as a recovery drink for athletes. The naturally occurring electrolytes, salt levels, lack of sugar, and protein actually aids in reversing muscle damage. With this in mind, bone broth is potentially a much healthier alternative to electric blue-colored sports drinks.
Those who suffer from gut conditions like irregularity, colitis, celiac disease, and ulcers would benefit from trying bone broth in order to help normalize and regulate stomach acid. Many biologists report that the presence of restorative amino acids like glycine, alanine, proline, and hydroxyproline reduces conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. After all, arthritis is not something that one would like to have in their body or life. This is because arthritis may eventually lead to impaired movement or swelling in the ankle, knee, or hip joint, resulting in disability, which may then require individuals to opt for disability services Melbourne or elsewhere. Therefore, it is better to consume bone broth now than to develop symptoms of arthritis or similar diseases in the future.
Moreover, keep in mind, half of the pleasure of drinking a hot mug or bowl of bone broth spiked with organic herbs is how innately comforting it is, not unlike a steaming cup of coffee in the morning.

Like a good stock, bone broth is defined by its thickness (due to gelatin) and very long cooking time. In the cookbook Brodo(named after the business with the same name), “a chicken should take approximately 6 hours and a beef or lamb bone should take anywhere from 16-18 hours.” Because this technique requires patience and a lot of time, it is recommended that excess broth is frozen for future use. Don’t be surprised when you take your leftover broth out of the fridge and it resembles beefy Jell-O – that’s just the congealed protein on display.
Chef-repared bone broth is available for purchase from a variety of businesses including, the premier bone broth retailer in New York City and a favorite among foodies.