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Center for Contemporary Art Offers Winter Courses for Children & Teens with ASD and Other Special Needs

The Center for Contemporary Art in Bedminster will be offering two winter art courses for children and teens with ASD and other special needs. Both classes will be taught in person.

The art course for children ages 6-10 will be taught on Mondays at 4-4:45 p.m. from January 24-March 7.

The art course for children ages 11-16 with special needs will be taught on Mondays at 5-5:45 p.m. from January 24-March 7.

Register for both classes, online:

Students with autism spectrum disorder and other special needs will explore a variety of art projects specifically geared to their interest and ability both in two-and-three dimensional approaches. The class fosters communication, creativity, and problem solving with hands-on activities involving clay, paint, and other materials. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

This course is generously funded by a grant from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and The Provident Bank Foundation.

In the event of a closure due to the COVID-19 virus, this class will move online using Zoom. There will be no refunds or credits for classes that were scheduled to take place on site but were moved to an online format for health and safety purposes.

Instructor Jim Pruznick has taught Artistic Expressions for 20 years. He established a video production business to make affordable documentaries for artists, children in school, and people with disabilities. These programs are informed by his study of Fine Arts at Montclair State University, as well as his experience working with schools and human service organizations for the past 25 years.

Learn more at

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