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Experience Lambing Day at Howell Farm

On Saturday, March 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Howell Living History Farm, experience the seasonal joy of lambing day. Will a lamb be born on lambing day? It has happened before, but it’s ultimately up to the schedule and the timing of the ewes. Lambing season lasts for several week and whether you’re at Howell Farm or not, there is much to learn about the practice of lambing in the barn where sheep spend much of their winter.

On this day, you will see new lambs, meet expectant ewes, and learn all about the farm’s flock of period Romney-Suffolk sheep. Other signs of spring in the air: horses are beginning to shed their winter coats, bees are flying in search of early nectar, and if it’s not too windy, farmers will likely be spreading manure or plowing the fields.

Howell Living History Farm is located at 70 Woodens Lane in Hopewell Township.

For more information, call 609.737.3299 or visit