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Fantastic Fungi and How to Draw Them

Did you know that September is National Fungus Month?

Join Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve of Bucks County virtually to celebrate these fascinating organisms by learning the basics of mushroom foraging and documenting fungi using a sketchbook. This multi-week course runs from Tuesday, September 7 at 6:30 p.m. through Tuesday, September 28 at 8:30 p.m. Develop your drawing skills by depicting mushrooms in graphite. Go on to create a pleasing composition and design a watercolor painting. These virtual lessons are suitable for all age levels. 

Participants will need: 

A good quality sketchbook, such as Stillman & Birn, Zeta series

Graphite, HB, 2B, 2H hardnesses, plus erasers

Micron pen (archival ink)

Watercolor of your choice and a high quality brush 

A field guide that includes Pennsylvania fungi and mushrooms

Magnifying glass


Camera to capture your subjects

Instruction for this online course will be led by Margaret Saylor, who holds a BFA in communications design from Kutztown University in Kutztown, Pa. Her experience as a graphic designer and illustrator have provided a solid foundation for further studies of plant life and botanical art techniques. She was awarded her Certificate in Botanical Art and Illustration, with distinction, from The New York Botanical Garden in June 2013. She is also a member of the American Society of Botanical Artists and the Philadelphia Society of Botanical Illustrators, and has exhibited with both groups. When not painting, Saylor teaches botanical art, both online and in person. Her venues include Mt. Cuba Center, Hockessin, Del.; GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, Reading, Pa.; and Fleisher Art Memorial, Philadelphia, Pa. 

To register for this event, visit Admission is $100 ($80 for Bowman’s Hill members with discount code). If you are a member having trouble using the code, email Online registration for the class closes on September 1. Once registered, you will receive an email with Zoom links. 

For more information, call 215.862.2924 or visit