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Halloween Parade and Pumpkin Flotilla in Central Park

Image Source: Central Park Conservancy

From Tuesday, October 26 through Thursday, October 28, New York City’s Central Park will become the home of all things seasonal! Not only is Central Park a great place to enjoy fall foliage, but this year the park will also play host to magical, family-friendly entertainment. 

Listen to ghost stories performed by New York City actors on October 26. Then, get dressed in your best Halloween costume for a parade and scavenger hunt around the Harlem Meer on October 27. It all culminates with the Pumpkin Flotilla on October 28. Bring your own carved on un-carved pumpkin to see it float in the twilight among hundreds of other gourds and pumpkins at the Harlem Meer beginning at dusk and ending at 6:30 p.m. Guests can retrieve their pumpkins at the Harlem Meer beach near Fifth Avenue and 108th Street.

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