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How to Care for Your Garden in Autumn

By Taylor Smith

New Jersey residents are lucky enough to experience four distinct seasons; however, this also means that gardeners must prepare for winter and put their gardens to bed each year. In terms of a vegetable garden, preparing your beds for winter will increase the chance that your garden stays healthy from year to year. A sure sign that winter is fast approaching is when the first frost has killed off most of your annuals. For an area that does not see frost, you can begin your cleanup after the annual plants have started to brown and die.

Plant Spring Bulbs

Spring flowering bulbs should be planted in mid-September through October in New Jersey when soil temperatures fall below 60 degrees F. This allows adequate time for root systems to develop before the soil freezes. The bulb bed should also be covered with two to three inches of mulch in order to minimize temperature fluctuations.

Clear Out the Vegetable Garden

Late fall typically signifies the end of the outdoor growing season in the Northeast. It’s important to pull everything out of your garden before the first freeze sets in. Make sure that no decaying plants are left behind, as they can become home to pests and spread unwanted diseases. This may lead into your home if your trees and bushes are near your door and windows. If this was to occur, it would be wise to contact similar pest control experts in georgia, or wherever you are based, to get this issue sorted out as quickly as possible.

Aerate the Lawn

Punching holes in the soil and extracting plugs of dirt provides your lawn with water, oxygen, and fertilizer. Following aeration is an excellent time to patch bald spots with grass seed.

Clean the Gutters

Keeping your gutters free and clean of leaves and other debris allows for the water to drain properly and significantly reduces any major problems during the post-winter spring cleanup. Inspect your gutters regularly to check for leaks or clogs. Leaking or clogged gutters can be a sign that they need to be repaired. In that case, you may have to hire a Gutter company to make the gutters functional again. In order for gutters to work correctly, they must be in proper shape. In the event that they fail to work adequately, there could be damage to your home.

Make It Presentable

It also may be a good time to fix any broken planters or fencing around this time too so you don’t have to do it in winter. Checking out some new garden pits, as well as speaking to a fence installation service, will give you what you need to make your garden look presentable.

Scour Flower Pots

Use a stiff-bristled brush to thoroughly clean and rinse all gardening pots. Whether pots are clay or plastic, mineral deposits and debris can cause problems for your future plantings. Once clean, turn your pots upside down to prevent them from filling with water, freezing, and cracking.

Cover Your Plants

In order to keep hardy container gardens (like succulents) from freezing, cover them with a tarp. Alternatively, you could instead keep them and other delicate potted plants inside your home or in an attached conservatory (if you have one) to prevent them from dying. You could even include other plant types in your indoor garden to make it more beautiful.

Stow Away Garden Hoses

Winter weather can wreak havoc on a hose, causing leaks. Empty hoses of water and keep them stored away from the elements.

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