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Learn How to Foster Native Plants in Your Garden

Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve in New Hope, Pa., offers classes and events related to gardening and natural habitats, such as the series Learn All About How and Why to Foster Native Plants in Your Landscape.

In the June 8 class, Focus on Ferns, Ed Lignowski, Ph.D., will show how to identify many native ferns as well as highlight their evolutionary history and unusual reproductive habits, their natural habitats, and usefulness in native plant gardens.

The Knowing Native Plants series is an annual seasonal deep dive into the native plants of the region featuring 14 Saturday classes throughout the year. Unique plant communities can inform us about the landscape as their biology dictates where, when, and how they grow. Knowing Native Plants is a hybrid series where each class features both digital and in-person options. The in-person option includes a guided naturalist walk after the lecture. Each class is $30 in person, with a guided walk, or $25 for virtual only.

The preserve is celebrated for its beauty. Summer brings the action from the forest to the field as the vibrant meadow colors stand against the green backdrop of the growing season. As summer wraps up, visitors can explore the true stars of the meadow, the classic asters, and the trees, learning how and why this seasonal change occurs and what these native plants are doing the rest of the year.

Class dates and descriptions are here.

For other programs offered at Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve, and admission information, visit

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