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Nature Therapy Walk: A Shinrin-yoku Experience, Nov. 21

On Sunday, November 21 from 9:30 a.m. to noon, Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve will lead a unique and relaxing nature therapy walk. These guided walks are an immersive and slow-paced experience with proven health benefits. Inspired by the Japanese practice of forest bathing and led by certified nature and forest therapy guide Linda Domino, guests will explore the land of the Preserve and awaken their senses to its sounds, creatures, textures, and beauty. 

This experience is different than a hike or naturalist walk. Visitors will be invited to move slowly, wander, pause, observe, and reflect. The emphasis is on un-plugging calming the mind, and engaging with the natural world. Many studies have shown that this type of experience in nature reduces stress, lowers cortisol levels and blood pressure, increases energy, enhances sleep, boosts immunity, and improves an overall sense of well-being. 

Linda Domino is a certified forest therapy guide through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs. She is passionate about leading people into connection with each other, within themselves, and the natural world. In addition to leading nature therapy walks, she has guided yoga classes, meditation, and retreats for over 20 years. Learn more about Domino at

Pre-registration is required for this program by Thursday, November 18 at 

Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve is located at 1635 River Road in New Hope, Pa.