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Pinot to Picasso 2016 – An Intergalactic Affair

By Taylor Smith

Photography by Erica Cardenas

The Arts Council of Princeton’s signature art and wine spring fundraiser Pinot to Picasso was held on Friday, April 29 in the Technology Center of Princeton on Carter Road.

The theme of the evening was electronics and robotics and this was reflected in both the atmosphere and the live art demonstrations.

For example, the entire warehouse space was doused in a faint blue hue, giving the impression of being inside a spaceship. Also, what appeared to be computer and industrial parts decorated tabletops, while neon slinkies hung from the ceiling. Interior columns were painted to resemble graffiti and abstract films were projected onto otherwise blank walls.

The actual artworks were clustered together over the length of two rooms and ranged in style from manhole covers to standing zebras. In total, there was a lot to examine.

Guests indulged in gourmet tastings from area restaurants and delicious local wines and brews. A definite highlight was the Tombola, an Italian style lottery where everyone wins. As their individual numbers were called, guests quickly perused the catalog selecting which piece of art they would like to take home. Sighs of disappointment could be heard from the crowd when a favorite piece of artwork was snatched up.

Many of the attendees described themselves as avid supporters of the Arts Council of Princeton, while others hailed from New York and Bucks County as art collectors. The artists themselves were eager to meet with the prospective buyers.

“I always appreciate a nice note from the recipient,” one artist confided.

The evening’s fashions were colorful and whimsical. Some couples coordinated their outfits in hues of paisley and rich velvet. Kimonos were also a popular item. A few patrons were clearly inspired by the robotics theme and used glow-sticks and sheet metal as accessories. Ages ranged from teenage volunteers to Olympic-level rowers and some of Princeton’s oldest and best-known names.

Following the Tombola, guests packed the dance floor. Music by Prince and David Bowie got everyone on their feet and the music didn’t stop until the last person left.

Between the colors, tastes, noises, and visuals, Pinot to Picasso 2016 was a raging success.