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Pop-Up Beer Garden at ACP on Saturday, October 23

The Arts Council of Princeton has partnered with Old Hights Brewing Company to bring a pop-up beer garden to downtown Princeton. Old Hights’ balanced, hand-crafted beers are derived from the finest, locally sourced ingredients. Sip unlimited brews from a custom handmade ceramic beer stein, enjoy live local tunes by Dan Kassel, and spend an afternoon in celebration of community. 

Making the event even more special, the ACP was chosen by Old Hights as a “Donation Beer,” meaning that they have developed, brewed, and named a beer after the Arts Council of Princeton. Try it first on October 23 and bring home a four-pack. Sales support the Arts Council Outreach Programs and Scholarship Fund, making inspiring arts experiences accessible to all, regardless of means. 

Your ticket to the ACP x Old Hights Pop-Up Beer Garden grants access to the Beer Garden with live music, snacks, and a custom ceramic beer stein with unlimited refills. 

Tickets are $85 per person. Purchase online at