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Princeton Adult School Presents “Innovation: Making the Culture Thrive”

An Eight Part Lecture Series with Noted Princeton Scholars

Beginning on Tuesday, October 20 at 8 p.m., Princeton Adult School will be offerings an eight-part lecture series centered around the experiences and opinions of eight noted Princeton scholars on the subject of “Innovation: Making Culture Thrive.”

The online Zoom video conference course costs $155 to enroll. The class seeks to answer questions such as: How do scientists and scholars translate their research into innovations and inventions that change our lives? Curious students will revel in learning how a molecular biologist discovered how cells talk to each other; an electrical engineer who helps to safeguard implanted medical devices in an interconnected world; a musicologist who has traced the evolution of opera from Venice to Shanghai; a historian who figured out how to use computers to piece together scraps of the “Cairo Geniza,” and much more. Fascinatingly, all these scholars are associated with Princeton.

October 20: Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Princeton University

Rodney D. Priestley, Vice Dean for Innovation, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University

October 27: Tiny Conspiracies: Cell-to-Cell Communication in Bacteria

Bonnie Bassler, Professor in Molecular Biology; Chair, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University

November 10: Flock Logic: The Art and Engineering of How Groups Move

Naomi Leonard, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University

November 17: Smart Healthcare

Niraj Jha, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University

November 24: Feigning Madness in Song: An Operatic Journey from Venice to Shanghai

Wendy Heller, Professor of Music History; Chair, Department of Music, Princeton University

December 1: Smart Grid: The Internet of Energy

Vincent Poor, University Professor of Electrical Engineering; Interim Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University

December 8: Everyone is your friend! The Molecular Architecture of Hypersocial Canines

Bridgett vonHoldt, Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University

December 15: Manuscript Fragments in the Digital Age: The Case of the Cairo Geniza

Marina Rustow, Professor of Jewish Civilization in the Near East; Professor of Near Eastern Studies and History, Princeton University

Enroll today:

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