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Princeton Public Library Now Accepting Applications for Local Author Day

Princeton Public Library (PPL) is accepting applications from authors interested in participating in an Author Fair as part of the library’s 12th Local Author Day, to be held on Saturday, April 29. The Author Fair takes place from 1:30 to 4 p.m. in the library’s Community Room and first floor area.

This event is open to authors from Central New Jersey and Bucks County, Pa., with preference given to those who reside within 20 miles of PPL. All authors must have at least one book to sell that has been published within the last three years. Authors who have previously participated in a Local Author Day author fair must have a book published since their previously published title. Submissions may also be accepted for forthcoming books that will be published before April 29 and will be available to sell at the Author Fair.

This event is an opportunity for authors to gain exposure while showcasing their work in the highly regarded setting of PPL. Local Author Day emphasizes networking and skills development for all writers while giving recently published local authors space to display, sell, and sign their books during the Author Fair. Priority is given to writers of adult fiction or nonfiction, although writers of works for children and teens are also welcomed to apply.

Five authors will be chosen by lottery to have a prerecorded reading video highlighted on the event website and the PPL’s YouTube page.

Authors are responsible for supplying and selling their own books, and to keep records of all proceeds from sales. In addition, authors who are accepted must acknowledge that they are required to collect and remit sales tax as required by New Jersey law.

The application deadline for Local Author Day is February 27. Enter submissions at

Authors will be notified of acceptance the week of March 6.

Princeton Public Library is located at 65 Witherspoon Street. For questions, call 609.924.9529.