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RWJUH, Sky Zone Hamilton to Hold Blood Drive on September 25

COVID-19 and Hurricane Ida significantly impacted available blood supply in New Jersey. As such, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) and Sky Zone Hamilton are partnering to host a blood drive on September 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Sky Zone Hamilton, located at 17 Quakerbridge Plaza, Unit B in Hamilton. 

“Sky Zoe Hamilton has always been committed to our #DoGood mantra as well as being a strong community partner” said Joshua Harry, general manager of Sky Zone Hamilton. “When we heard there was a need of blood in New Jersey, we reached out right away to our community partners.”

As a result of the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the state of New Jersey and the country as a whole, are experiencing an unprecedented shortage of blood. Major suppliers throughout the country are not able to meet the daily demands of their hospital customers. 

“What’s more, Hurricane Ida had a devastating impact on what already is an unprecedented shortage in the metro areas around our state,” says Sally Wells, business development liaison, RWJBarnabas Health. “Blood drives help us to replenish the supply and be ready in case of an emergency.”

Donors are encouraged to schedule a convenient donation time by calling 732. 235.8100 ext. 221 or visiting The health and safety of staff and blood donors is always a priority. Socially distanced equipment set-ups and enhanced disinfecting protocols on all RWJBarnabas Health blood drives have been implemented. Masks are required and donors can expect to be asked questions related to COVID-19 exposure when they arrive at the drive.