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Small World Cafés Showcase Music and Art

Help Small World Coffee support the local arts community by listening to some free live music at the Witherspoon Street café, 14 Witherspoon Street, and viewing artists’ work there and at the 254 Nassau Street location.

The musical lineup for February, all beginning at 7 p.m., includes the folk/Americana group Twin Cities on Saturday, February 1; the ’70s pop and Latin grooves music of Rich Seiner on Saturday, February 8; the indie rock “with groove tendencies” of Black Cat Habitat on Saturday, February 15; jazz with Darla Rich Jazz on Saturday, February 22; blue grass/Americana with Cold Soil Drifters on Saturday, March 1;  jazz. funk, Latin, and rock with B.D. Lenz on Saturday, March 8; “Vince Di Mura Plays Blues” with Vince Di Mura on Saturday, March 15; the Harry Singer Jazz Quintet on Saturday. March 22; and rock, pop, folk, and jazz with Jeff Miller on Saturday, March 29.

Among the upcoming art events, an opening reception on Friday, March 7, is planned for watercolorist Idrani Choudhury, who will be exhibiting from March 5 through April 1 at the Witherspoon Street location. The photography of Taaha Siddiqui will be on view February 5 until March 4; and the oil and acrylic paintings of Tatiana Oles will remain on view until February 4.

Small World’s other location, at 254 Nassau Street, features the watercolor paintings and prints of Yolanda Zhi through February 4, and wildlife photography by Rebecca Deporte February 5 to March 4.

 A full roster through the spring of musicians and artists can be found at

Small World Coffee first opened its doors in December 1993 after two college friends who had lived around the world sought a “café for the locals that welcomes the world.”

If you are interested in performing at Small World, complete a music booking form at

If you are interested in exhibiting art at Small World Cafés, fill out the art show booking form at