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Stuart Community Comes Together to Support Aid to Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has touched the minds and hearts of many, including the greater Stuart Country Day School community. Cindy Michalak, Stuart’s college counselor whose family has roots in Ukraine, and science teacher Natalie Voicu, who was born in Ukraine and whose extended family remains, recently gave a presentation on the history of Ukraine and the current war.

The presentation was enough to inspire a group of Upper School students to join in collection efforts, which were already underway among Stuart Parent Association executive board members Maura Nester and Mary Waskovich. In less than a week, thousands of dollars worth of packing boxes and supplies that are in desperate need poured into Stuart and were delivered straight to a shipping site in north Jersey. 

The international Sacred Heart community has responded to the crisis with a statement of solidarity that current Stuart School students, alumnae, staff, and faculty share:

“As we have prayed and reflected together, the words “to be and act as One Body” have taken on a deeper meaning and a greater significance. When one part of the body is wounded, the whole body feels pain.”

For those interested in giving monetarily, Stuart recommends the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Visit and click on “Donate to Humanitarian Aid.”