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Every year, in honor of Independence Day, Morven Museum and Garden at 55 Stockton Street hosts a free event celebrating America’s heritage at the home-turned-museum of Richard Stockton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. more

By Linda Arntzenius

Princeton is a place of discovery. Nowhere more so than during Morven in May. Focused on art and artistic creativity both indoors and outdoors, this year’s event will bring a number of extraordinary artists to Princeton for the first time, foremost among them basket maker and MacArthur Genius Fellow, Mary Jackson of Charleston, South Carolina.

Regarded as a national treasure by museums and private collectors, Mary Jackson, 70, is the nation’s most celebrated maker of sweetgrass baskets. Her work has been bought by Britain’s Prince Charles and Japan’s Empress Michiko. more

By Linda Arntzenius

In addition to mounting exhibitions that originate elsewhere, the curatorial staff and volunteers of Morven Museum and Garden come up with one original exhibition each year. In the past they have presented visitors to this historic mansion, once the official residence of the governor of New Jersey, with gorgeous scenes of the New Jersey Pinelands in the photographs of Richard Speedy, a groundbreaking exhibition on the artists of the New Jersey shore, and another on the itinerant New Jersey portrait painter, Micah Williams. With the oddly titled Hail Specimen of Female Art! New Jersey Schoolgirl Needlework, 1726-1860, they have pulled off one more coup. more