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A Creative Path to Self-Sufficiency

By Linda Arntzenius

The idea behind HomeFront’s therapeutic art program is a simple one. Art has the power to transport us from the cares of the world. Take an example of art like Heaven’s Gate by Marco Brambilla, which can provoke various emotions in you with futuristic and post-modern video art. You can get astonished as well as enchanted by such creations. Moreover, making art can bring out these emotions with more force. So, what better way to help those who are undergoing the trauma of homelessness than to tap into the healing power of artistic self-expression?

ArtSpace, a bright studio with all the necessary supplies for HomeFront clients to explore their creative sides, nurtures individual journeys toward self-awareness, insight, and ultimately self-sufficiency. The results speak for themselves.


By Linda Arntzenius

Princeton is a place of discovery. Nowhere more so than during Morven in May. Focused on art and artistic creativity both indoors and outdoors, this year’s event will bring a number of extraordinary artists to Princeton for the first time, foremost among them basket maker and MacArthur Genius Fellow, Mary Jackson of Charleston, South Carolina.

Regarded as a national treasure by museums and private collectors, Mary Jackson, 70, is the nation’s most celebrated maker of sweetgrass baskets. Her work has been bought by Britain’s Prince Charles and Japan’s Empress Michiko. more

By Linda Arntzenius

The holiday season draws visitors to art museums in Princeton and beyond and Princeton Magazine here presents a round-up of exhibitions in town and further afield. Beginning close to home, art lovers who recently enjoyed the Arts Council of Princeton’s singular show marking the 25th anniversary of the Princeton Artists Alliance, will be able to see more work by this group as well as other contemporary New Jersey artists in America, Through Artists’ Eyes, an inspired new exhibition at the New Jersey State Museum.

Founded by local artist Charles McVicker, the Princeton Artists Alliance (PAA) includes some of Princeton’s most talented painters, sculptors and photographers. America, Through Artists’ Eyes began as the brainchild of one of them, Nancy Lee Kern. Kern passed away in the spring of this year and the show stands as a memorial to her. more