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The Best Advice from Our Moms

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We might be all grown up, but we still depend on our mother’s words of wisdom

By Sarah Emily Gilbert

In celebration of Mother’s Day, we asked our staffers to share their mom’s best advice. Some are hilarious and some are profound, but all reflect the endless love Moms have for their children.

 Anne Levin – Staff Writer

“The best advice Betty Levin, the eternal optimist, ever gave me was, ‘Never envy anyone. You never know what others have been through.’ Always followed by ‘Tomorrow is another day.’ I try to remember that when I’m feeling sorry for myself.




Matt DiFalco – Graphic Designer

“My mom always said it’s better to be yourself than to try and be who others want you to be. She also said never let yourself be photographed in a silly hat.”




Taylor Smith – Contributing Editor

“My mother always told me to surround myself with good energy, be it a specific wall color, choice of friends or habits.”

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Sarah Gilbert – Contributing Editor

Judy Gilbert is one for planning. Raising three girls, she found it imperative to have us pick out our outfits the night before. While we hated this practice, I can say that it led to some pretty on-point outfits for our school pictures.”



Erin Toto – Account Manager

When you are getting ready in the morning make sure you like the person looking back at you in the mirror.”



Jeff Tryon – Art Director

“Keep (the aquariums) tightly covered. Those darn frogs always end up in my shoes in the down stair’s closet. Eeek!”




Robin Broomer – Advertising Director

“My mother (and father) are to this day the most supportive and encouraging people.  My mother does anything and everything to help Simon, my boys, my brother and I.  Something that sticks out that she always told me is, ‘there is nothing you can not do’ and as silly as it sounds, I always think of that when facing decisions.  The other thing is ‘life is way too short to overcomplicate things’ and I find myself repeating this to my kids every day!



Don Gilpin – Staff Writer

“I do remember my mother talking about the Golden Rule — reminding us to treat other people the way we’d like to be treated.  And, maybe even more important, I remember her always doing that herself — with everybody in her life. I also remember her telling us always to write thank-you letters.”



Stuart Mitchner – Contributing Editor

“My mother’s advice really did change my life. When I told her at 17 that I was going to be a writer, she said, ‘If you really mean it, then you can’t let anything else get in the way, you’ve got to totally dedicate yourself to writing.’ So I did, and years later when I passed up ‘real jobs’ in order to keep writing, she ‘took it back’ but it was too late.”

Stuart M

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