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The Silverball Museum Arcade in Asbury Park

Located at 1000 Ocean Avenue in Asbury Park, the Silverball Museum Arcade is a living, breathing, and blinking tribute to the pinball and video gaming past. With 600 games in rotation (all under one roof), it’s likely that you’ll get to play on your favorite game from the past, while discovering some new ones along the way. View the entire list of games here:

Book your next party at the Museum by calling 732.774.4994 ext. 3. The Museum is also open to fundraising events and nonprofit/charity social gatherings. Admission rates are $10 for 30 minutes, $15 for 1 hour, $17.50 for a half-day pass, and $20 for an all-day pass. All games are set to free pass with entry ticket purchase. Food is available on the premises. 

So next time you are at the Jersey Shore, stop by the Silverball Museum Arcade for a great slice of Americana. Visit for more information.

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