This Weekend in Princeton: April 14-16
Photo Credit: @terhuneorchards
Friday, April 14
11 a.m.: Free, Tiger Tales for children ages 3-5 at Cotsen Children’s Library (repeats weekly).
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.: Screening and discussion of the documentary Mary Lou Williams: The Lady Who Swings the Band at Arts Council of Princeton.
Saturday, April 15
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Princeton University Women’s Lightweight Crew vs. Georgetown at the Shea Rowing Center at Carnegie Lake.
10 a.m.: Free guided walk along the D&R Canal feeder between Fireman’s Eddy and Washington Crossing State Park, 5.3 miles, with return by carpool. Meet at Washington Crossing State Park River Drive by parking lot near restrooms. For further information, call Pamela at (609) 635-2783.
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Bunny Chase Treasure Hunt at Terhune Orchards in Princeton (also on Sunday, April 16).
8:30 p.m.: B.D. Lenz performs at Small World Coffee, 14 Witherspoon Street in Princeton.
Sunday, April 16
Easter Sunday
9:15 a.m.: Free Easter Egg Hunt at the Lutheran Church of the Messiah, 407 Nassau Street (corner of Cedar Lane) in Princeton.
11 a.m.: Easter Sunday Worship Service at Princeton University Chapel.