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Voices Chorale NJ Summer Sing, Social, and Auditions

Voices Chorale NJ (VCNJ) invites all singers to attend an open summer sing featuring excerpts from the upcoming 2023-2024 repertoire including Saint-Saens’ Christmas Oratorioa and Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass. Scores will be provided, and light refreshments will be served.

It’s an opportunity for singers to practice sight-reading; meet the director, Dr. David A. McConnell; and learn some fascinating history and context about the compositions. Meet other singers and consider setting up an audition to join VCNJ.

Those interested in potentially joining the musical group may audition that evening by contacting Paula Mirabile at All voice parts are welcome to audition, but tenors and bass/baritones are especially encouraged to audition.

For more information, visit