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World Autism Month and Special Education Week in New Jersey

By Taylor Smith 

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day and the entire month of April is recognized as World Autism Month. Many will wear the color blue to mark the occasion in an attempt to bring awareness to a condition that physicians say affects 1 in 59 children in the United States. 

The organization Autism Speaks states that Autism Spectrum Disorder is a broad range of conditions that impacts a person’s communication and social skills. Furthermore, there are many subtypes of autism and “each are influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.”

The New Jersey chapter of Autism Speaks is based in Princeton, NJ. The organization was begun in 2005 by the grandparents of a young child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Fourteen years later, Autism Speaks has grown to provide support and resources for autism families across the nation. 

Also based in Princeton, Eden Autism Foundation provides outstanding education, employment, residential and outreach services. Eden is a not-for-profit organization that aims to engage families, corporations, foundation friends, and other caring individuals to provide a range of services that will support families with autism throughout their lifetime. 

ASAH (Association of Schools and Agencies for the Handicapped) represents more than 125 different private schools and agencies in New Jersey. The not-for-profit provides specialized education services to over 11,000 infants, children, and young adults with disabilities. The group offers detailed reports for parents on preschool services, private school placement, parental rights, and many more topics. 

Special Education Week in New Jersey occurs on May 12-18, 2019. ASAH and its members will celebrate the role that private schools play in supporting children with complex disabilities. Learn how your school can help, today