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Wilson Legacy Committee Posts Schedule For On-Campus Discussions

Wilson NEW Web

Image courtesy of The Historical Society of Princeton

The special trustee committee that is considering Woodrow Wilson’s legacy at Princeton University has posted a schedule for on-campus, in-person conversations with members of the committee.

The committee has scheduled small group discussions (up to 12 participants per group) on Jan. 28 and Feb. 18-20. Members of the committee will be attending the Feb. 15 meeting of the Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC). The committee also will conduct an open forum on Friday afternoon, Feb. 19.

Those interested in participating in the small group discussions may sign up through the committee’s website, The website also offers an opportunity to submit written observations and opinions directly to the committee.

“We hope that anyone interested in sharing their views with us in person will sign up for one of the small group discussions or attend the CPUC meeting or the open forum,” said Brent Henry, chair of the committee and vice chair of the Board of Trustees. “We are eager to hear from members of the University community in order to gather a broad range of perspectives on Wilson and his legacy, and on the more general question of how the University should think about and represent its broader historical legacy on campus.”

The website asks for views about Wilson’s record and impact as a faculty member and president of Princeton; his record and impact as president of the United States; his legacy at Princeton today and how it is and should be commemorated; and representations on campus of Princeton’s broader historical legacy. The committee has invited scholars and biographers with relevant expertise to share their understandings of Wilson and his legacy for posting on the website.


Prospect House served as Wilson’s home during his time as President of Princeton University

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